Hospital Cups 2019

It is Hospital Cup time!

Time to take a moment to thank everyone who helped me out during a challenging time that began on March 15, 2006. To everyone who works at St. Luke’s hospital, thank you…I am so grateful to you for doing the difficult work that you do day in and day out. I still think of you often and hope that each of you enjoys this coming year to the fullest.

To my friends and family…continued gratitude for your help and your presence. I am so very lucky to have you and be able to enjoy our many good times.

This time the cups are either a matte or a glossy white exterior and have a touch of blue. I will be delivering them to friends, family, and to the 4th and 8th floors of St. Luke’s Hospital soon!


I have moved up a couple of the Hospital Cups posts from the past. Just scroll down if you would like to see how I go about making them.

Thank you again and again. I have given you just a cup. You have given me this: time with lovely granddaughters…

By taradawley Ceramics KansasCity

Ceramic artist. Lover of words yet fond of brevity.

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